So i've spent the past three days searching around my house for inspiration for just the right January blog post. The holidays are over, Spring hasn't arrived yet and it's just a dreary time of year. Then it hit me....Organizing! I recently read an article that said that over-organizing is actually less efficient than just being sort of mediocre organized. I find this to be so true! When I get that crazy urge to find order in my always chaotic house, I find that I all of the sudden know where nothing is! So i've come up with a few tips for those of us who hate clutter, but just can't seem to rid yourself of it....
1) Always have a place to put mail, but make sure to go through this mail at least once every two weeks to make sure important things don't slip through the cracks! Equally as important, have a different slot for bills to be paid. I found this great slotted organizer at Chartreuse and Co. in Buckeystown, Md. that has just that. I have a slot for bills, one for important papers, and of course one for keeping the ever-popular post-it notes!
2) As mentioned just previously, always have post-it notes or some sort of great jotting paper readily accessible. Not a day goes by where I don't use my pads of paper for writing down some important tidbit of information. Now, don't be afraid to steer away from the stereotypical, yellow post-it. Paper comes in incredible styles, shapes and patterns. Chartreuse and Co. actually carries some great vintage paper, that is useful and decorative. What more can you ask for!
3) Now, if you're like so many of us, you have the ever-increasing clutter of toys. The best way to deal with toys is decorative baskets and boxes. Make the toys just another aspect of a great room! My personal favorite is finding those beautifully fabric-covered boxes for all of those little toys that just seem to end up under your feet! Simply put the boxes stacked on a shelf or table and bam, you've hidden the unsightly legos, superhero figures and barbies! For extra fun, add a small hanging frame labeling what's in the box. These are useful when teaching kids to put away their toys!
4) One of the most important organizing tips is to get rid of things you don't use! If the kids' clothes are stained, toss them, if you aren't going to use that bread maker again, donate it...Get a hold of clutter before it gets a hold of you! Plus, it makes room for all of those great finds that you just can't live without!
5) And the token organizing tip.....Always keep part of a closet or cabinet empty for quickly hiding the eye-sore clutter for those guests arriving in ten minutes!
For those that come in my house, they think i'm quite the organizer. But the secret's out....i'm just really good at faking it! So I hope everyone takes these tips to stay inside on these cold winter days and organize that holiday clutter!